One Photo ...

One Photo Helped Beast Reunite With His Family

By Jennifer Perez | October 26, 2021

I looked everywhere for him, every corner. I couldn’t find him, I was worried and scared, every day. For three whole months, everywhere I went, I looked for him.

As pet owners, we never think it can happen to us, but sadly 1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime. Whether they’re curious following a scent, slip out from an open gate, or wander off scared during a rainstorm, pets from loving, caring families go missing every day.

Tracy and her fiancé, Devon, met their dog, Beast, as a puppy. They even bottle-fed him, and he grew up alongside his three human siblings. 

When the three-year-old dog got lost, their whole family was devastated, worried, and scared. “My daughter was crying, and thought she wasn’t going to see him ever again,” said Tracy. “I never gave up though.” 

Tracy’s Lost Pet Search on Petco Love Lost

For three months, Tracy looked everywhere for Beast. Then, she turned to Front Street Animal Shelter’s↗ lost pet webpage which lists steps to take if you’ve lost your pet. She saw the suggestion to try Petco Love Lost, a free, national resource that uses pet-facial recognition to promote animal reunions with owners. A simple photo upload will immediately scan the database of lost and found pets to check for possible matches.

“I uploaded his picture and it found him! Right away, he was the first pet that popped up. It was unreal, I was relieved, really relieved. We had gone through so much. I was crying, I was so excited and overwhelmed. I was relieved and happy we found him,” said Tracy.

Just One Picture Upload Reunited Beast

She contacted Front Street right away, and they made an appointment to pick up Beast and bring him home. “They’ve got Beast, they’ve got Beast!” Tracy exclaimed to her fiancé, Devon. “I was nervous, I didn’t know if he’d remember us or if he’d forgotten about us … but he remembered us.”

 Beast walked out to his family and instantly perked up, happily wagging his tail. Tracy, Devon and their three kids felt ecstatic. They couldn’t stop smiling and hugging Beast. They were thankful to have Beast home again. 

“We’re close with our pets, we take them everywhere … fishing and camping … they’re part of our family, like one of my kids,” said Tracy. “I recommend Petco Love Lost to others because it’s the best way to reunite with your lost pet. It reunited me with Beast.”

You Can Help Reunite Animals with Owners

Think it can’t happen to you? Think again. Every year, 10 million pets go missing in the U.S., and many never make it back home. The anguish of losing a pet is something no pet parent wants to experience. At Petco Love, we believe nothing is more important than keeping people and pets together for a lifetime of love. Whether you’re a pet parent, good neighbor, or animal welfare organization, use Petco Love Lost as the go-to resource should the unthinkable ever happen to a pet you know, find, or love.


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