About Us
We Love
Lost Pets
28K+ pet reunions
2.8K+ shelters and rescue partners
165K+ pets in the Petco Love Lost database
Nearly 10 million pets go missing each year – we help them return home.
Established in 1999, Petco Love formalizes Petco’s longstanding commitment to animal welfare. We simplify the search for lost and found pets by offering a free central location to report, search, and share.
Our database includes pets reported by individuals as well as thousands of shelter partners across the country. By uploading a photo of your lost or found pet and reporting it in our system, you make that pet visible to pet parents searching for their pet – making happy pet reunions just a few clicks away.
Reunion Spotlight
Petco Love Lost
Always on - for when they wander off
Sign up now in case they go missing later.