Texas Shelters Increase Pet Reunions with Petco Love Lost
June 27, 2024
Petco Love Lost, the largest and only national lost and found pet database using photo-matching technology, has been making significant strides in helping Texas animal welfare organizations reunite lost pets with their families. The Petco Love Lost platform enables animal shelters and rescue organizations to automate their intake process and provides a universal tool for shelters, pet parents, and pet lovers to reunite lost and found pets.
Earlier this year, Petco Love hosted a two-day class on pet reunification for over 20 animal welfare organizations across the great state of Texas. This two-day intensive course is designed to empower the leaders of animal welfare organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to increase RTO across their community and reduce the number of pets entering shelters.
We sat down with Aaron Klein from Petco Love Lost and Misty Valenta from Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter, to hear how animal welfare organizations in Texas have found success after successfully implementing Petco Love Lost and how this growing community can continue to increase pet reunions, together.
What animal organizations have found success implementing Petco Love Lost as their lost and found reporting tool?
We have seen many notable success stories from animal organizations from across Texas including, Houston BARC, Montgomery County Animal Shelter, Williamson County Animal Shelter, Pasadena Animal Shelter, League City Animal Shelter, and the City of Baytown Animal Services.
“Offloading the technology and support to Petco Love Lost is just part of it. The other part has largely to do with changing the culture to keep pets in the community and out of the shelter by leveraging Petco Love Lost. This is what we have heard is the most impactful from Misty as well as Michele Figueroa from Pima Animal Care Center, who have both found success with this.”
- Aaron Klein, Petco Love Lost
Success happens when organizations fully integrate Petco Love Lost into their lost and found process: featuring Petco Love Lost prominently across their websites, including Petco Love Lost resources in emails and social media, and encouraging pet parents and the broader community to report any lost or found pet on Petco Love Lost to increase reunions.
What was the biggest takeaway for you from attending the 2-day class hosted by Petco Love?
The goal of these classes is to show the benefit of adopting Petco Love Lost as their official lost and found reporting tool and enable organizations to fully utilize the power of the Petco Love Lost platform to help bring more pets back home to families.
“Attending the Petco Love Lost class inspired us to introduce this tool to our animal control partner agency to facilitate reunions prior to pets coming into our shelter. Within the first two days of launching our effort, an animal control officer reunited a lost pet with their family. With such a successful launch, our shelter is now asking other nearby agencies to utilize the platform.”
-Misty Valenta, Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter
What impact do you feel Petco Love Lost can have if more animal welfare organizations adopt this as their lost and found reporting tool?
As more shelters across Texas and the nation continue to implement Petco Love Lost, the future looks bright for lost pets and the families who are searching for them.
“The success of Petco Love Lost in Texas demonstrates the power of collaboration and technology in addressing the challenge of lost pets. By working together and utilizing cutting-edge tools, animal shelters, rescues, pet parents, and pet lovers can improve outcomes for missing pets and help ensure more happy reunions.”
- Misty Valenta, Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter
By approaching pet loss as a regional and national problem, rather than a local one, organizations can work in partnership with Petco Love Lost to ensure every lost pet finds its way back home.
Learn more about how Petco Love Lost is helping shelters and pet owners across the country.
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