About Petco Love Adopt - Our Mission
Petco Love
Petco Love Lost
Petco Love Care

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About us

Petco Love is a lifesaving nonprofit bringing pets and people together. We started Petco Love Adopt to create loving families.


We Love

Lost Pets

$400 millioninvested
6.8 millionpets adopted

Creating loving families through pet adoption.

When a family adopts a pet, everything changes for the better. There’s a connection that builds. Love fills the home. And every day after is brighter.

Petco Love Adopt's purpose is to help pets in need find their forever families and spread that special breed of love to as many homes as possible.

Our online platform helps people search for pets in their community. And with a network of more than 1,500 Petco pet care centers designed for in-store events, adoption has never been easier.

Don't take our word for it. Find your match. Fall in love.

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